God Loves All the Little Children of the World

God Loves All the Little Children of the World

Elijah Ho Tin Yan

Digital Art Group 1
18 years old and below

‪1,284 x 576‬
Code of Purchase: D1-9

Imagine a dark, spacious room with a high ceiling and walls painted black. The only source of light comes from the glowing model of the Earth, suspended in the center of the room. The model is incredibly detailed, with realistic topography and vibrant colors representing the different land masses and bodies of water. Surrounding the Earth are white spheres of different sizes, floating in space. Above the Earth, written in white letters, is the phrase “God loves all the little children of the world.” Visitors can walk around the model, taking in its beauty and contemplating its message. It’s a serene and thought-provoking space, perfect for reflection and contemplation.