By His Wounds We are Healed

By His Wounds We are Healed

Bible Reference: Isaiah 53:5

Goh Mui Eng

Physical Art Group 3
15 years old and above

29.7cm x 42cm
Code for Purchase: COB40

The pandemic has entered its third year, and has wreaked much havoc on its torrential path.  War, political turmoil, climate change, financial instability, stagflation, etc, paint a bleak horizon ahead.

In the midst of all these, where can we find healings, solace and strength?

The bible is not short of recorded accounts of healings: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional.

Our God beckons, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

The assurance of restoration comes from Jesus, who was “pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

Let us draw close to God with a spirit of reverence. Trust and surrender to his purposes, and let God enfold and strengthen us with his healing power - the ultimate power to forgive sin and resurrect the body from the dead.